Benefits of Doing Yoga in the Morning
Yoga is a transformative practice that benefits your mind, body, and soul. This age-old ancient technique has roots deep in Indian culture. Practising this in the morning offers unique advantages as advised by sages, setting the tone for a productive and balanced day. Here's why starting your day with yoga in Mona Vale can be life-changing: Boosts Energy Levels Morning yoga stimulates circulation and awakens your muscles, helping you shake off grogginess. Poses like the Sun Salutation ( Surya Namaskar ) and Cobra Pose ( Bhujangasana ) energise the body naturally, keeping you active and alert throughout the day. Enhances Mental Clarity Yoga in the morning helps calm the mind and improves focus by reducing mental clutter. Breathing exercises like Pranayama oxygenate the brain, preparing you for decision-making and problem-solving at work or school. Reduces Stress and Anxiety Starting the day with yoga reduces cortisol levels, the stress hormone. Poses like Chil...